Step 1. Commencement – ACT federal redistribution

Updated: 4 September 2017

An inquiry is being held into objections to the proposed redistribution of electoral divisions in the Australian Capital Territory, as outlined in a report published by the Redistribution Committee for the Australian Capital Territory on Friday 6 April 2018.

At an inquiry, individuals or organisations may address the augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory on any matter raised in an objection to the proposed redistribution of the Australian Capital Territory or in a comment on these objections.

Matters raised in objections and comments on objections include the:

  • names of proposed electoral divisions in the Australian Capital Territory
  • electoral division in which Norfolk Island is located
  • electoral division(s) in which the District of Belconnen is located
  • electoral division(s) in which the District of Woden is located
  • electoral division(s) in which Symonston is located

Topics raised in objections and comments on objections that are not raised at the inquiry will be considered by the augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory as part of its deliberations.

Details of the inquiry, to be convened by the augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory, are:


Starting time:     9-30am


The inquiry will follow a schedule whereby no booking times are made and once a participant is finished the next will be called to address the augmented Electoral Commission for the Australian Capital Territory.  It is there requested that participants, where possible, are seated 15 minutes prior to the starting time.

Please note that the time the inquiry will conclude is dependent on the number of participants appearing on the day. 

How do I appear at an inquiry?

It is strong recommended those wishing to appear make an appointment with the Australian Capital Territory Redistribution Secretariat by

  • Phone: 02 6160 2616
  • Email: