Redistribution of Western Australia into electoral divisions

Updated: 8 February 2016


Appendix A: Summary of compliance with legislative requirements

Provision of the Electoral Act Requirement Compliance


Maps showing the names and boundaries of each proposed electoral division, copies of suggestions and comments on suggestions and reasons for the proposed redistribution to be made available in the each AEC office in the state

The required information was made available at each AEC office in Western Australia from Friday 21 August 2015

ss.68(1) and (2)

Invitation to peruse maps showing the names and boundaries of each proposed electoral division, copies of suggestions and comments on suggestions and reasons for the proposed redistribution, and invitation to make written objections and written comments on objections

Gazette notice was published on Friday 21 August 2015

Notices were published in The Weekend West and The Weekend Australian on Saturday 22 August 2015 and in The West Australian on Wednesday 26 August 2015

para 68(2)(a)

Objections close at 6pm on the 4th Friday after publication of the Gazette notice

Objections closed at 6pm (AWST) on Friday 18 September 2015


Objections made available for public perusal starting on the 5th Monday after publication of the Gazette notice

Objections were made available at the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia and on the AEC website on Monday 21 September 2015

para 68(2)(b)

Comments on objections close at 6pm on the 6th Friday after publication of the Gazette notice

Comments on objections closed at 6pm (AWST) on Friday 2 October 2015


Comments on objections made available for public perusal starting on the 7th Monday after publication of the Gazette notice

Comments on objections were made available at the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia and on the AEC website on Monday 5 October 2015


Consideration of all objections and comments on objections received by the statutory timeframe

The augmented Electoral Commission considered each of the 28 objections and 10 comments on objections


Inquiry into objections held (if required)

An inquiry into objections was held in Perth on Tuesday 27 October 2015


Consideration of objections is to conclude before the expiration of 60 days after the close of comments on objections

Consideration of objections by the augmented Electoral Commission was concluded on Tuesday 27 October 2015

para 72(10)(b)

The augmented Electoral Commission announces the proposed redistribution

The augmented Electoral Commission announced its proposed redistribution on Thursday 5 November 2015

ss.72(12) and (13)

Further objection period – if required

A further objection period was not required


Determination of names and boundaries of electoral divisions published in the Gazette

The names and boundaries of electoral divisions were determined by a notice published in the Gazette on Tuesday 19 January 2016


Reasons for the determination are stated in writing

The augmented Electoral Commission’s reasons for the determination are stated in Chapter 2 and Appendix E of this report

Appendix B: Operation of statutory requirements for the making of a redistribution

Section 73 of the Electoral Act requires the augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia to:

  • make a determination of the names and boundaries of the electoral divisions of Western Australia by a notice published in the Gazette,
  • ensure that the number of electoral divisions into which Western Australia is divided equals the number of members of the House of Representatives to be chosen in Western Australia at the next general election, and
  • abide by the following requirements:
  1. In making the determination, the augmented Electoral Commission:
    1. shall, as far as practicable, endeavour to ensure that the number of electors enrolled in each Electoral Division in the State or Territory will not, at the projection time determined under section 63A, be less than 96.5% or more than 103.5% of the average divisional enrolment of that State or Territory at that time; and
    2. subject to paragraph (a), shall give due consideration, in relation to each proposed Electoral Division, to:
      1. community of interests within the proposed Electoral Division, including economic, social and regional interests;
      2. means of communication and travel within the proposed Electoral Division;
      1. the physical features and area of the proposed Electoral Division; and
      2. the boundaries of existing Divisions in the State or Territory;

        and subject thereto the quota of electors for the State or Territory shall be the basis for the proposed redistribution, and the augmented Electoral Commission may adopt a margin of allowance, to be used whenever necessary, but in no case shall the quota be departed from to a greater extent than one-tenth more or one-tenth less.
  1. (A) When applying subsection (4), the augmented Electoral Commission must treat the matter in subparagraph (4)(b)(v) as subordinate to the matters in subparagraphs (4)(b)(i), (ii) and (iv).

These statutory requirements are expressed in a hierarchical order.

The purpose of paragraph 4(a) is suggested by its history. It has undergone some transformation since the Commonwealth Electoral Legislation Amendment Act 1983 stipulated that boundaries were to be drawn, as far as practicable, to achieve equal numbers of electors in each of a state’s electoral divisions three-and-a-half years after a redistribution. By 1984 ‘it was observed that the three-and-a-half year rule had in some areas forced the adoption, on purely numerical grounds, of boundaries which took little account of perceived community of interest’.37 Therefore, in 1987, the rule was relaxed to permit a measure of tolerance to plus or minus two percent from average projected enrolment. Subsequently, the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters concluded that:

the numerical criteria do not allow “due consideration”, in the words of the Act, to be given to the qualitative factors. Rather, the political parties and others attempting to frame electoral boundaries essentially find themselves engaged in a mathematical modelling exercise. In order to relax the enrolment requirements to that extent necessary to allow a realistic degree of flexibility the Committee recommends… that subsections 66(3)(a) and 73(4)(a) of the Electoral Act be amended, so as to extend the variation from average divisional enrolment allowed three-and-a-half years after a redistribution from two to 3.5 percent.38

The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters also, in the same report, refers to its recommended amendment as one that ‘would maintain substantial restrictions on malapportionment [and] would allow other legitimate policy objectives to be more effectively met’.

Paragraph 4(a) follows this recommendation. The terms of the recommendation, and the discussion which preceded it, make clear the purpose of paragraph 3(a), as it now stands, and how it was intended to interact with the other criteria set out in the sub-paragraphs of paragraph (b), to which also ‘due consideration’ must be given. The augmented Electoral Commission has considered the objections, comments on objections, submissions on objections to the inquiry and made its proposed redistribution on this basis.

In summary, the primary criteria are to:

  • endeavour to ensure that the number of electors in the proposed electoral divisions are within a range of 3.5 per cent below or above the projected enrolment quota at the projection time, and
  • ensure that current enrolments are within 10 per cent below or above the current enrolment quota.

The secondary criteria are community of interests, means of communication and travel, and physical features and area. The augmented Electoral Commission also considers the boundaries of existing electoral divisions; however this criterion is subordinate to the others.

Appendix C: Objections to the proposed redistribution of Western Australia

28 written objections were received.

No. Submitted by
O1 Richard Wyndham
O2 David Anson
O3 Stephen David John Marshall
O4 Bret Busby
O5 Martin Gordon
O6 Harry Pickett
O7 City of Armadale
O8 David Smith
O9 Dean Ashley
O10 John Chester
O11 Returned and Services League of Australia Wanneroo–Joondalup Sub-Branch
O12 Darren McSweeney
O13 David Weber
O14 Hon Cheryl Edwardes
O15 PA and JW Sambell
O16 Bunbury Wellington Economic Alliance
O17 Dr Mark Mulcair
O18 Shire of Collie
O19 The Greens (WA)
O20 Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.
O21 WA Labor
O22 The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP and The Hon. Melissa Parke MP
O23 Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC
O24 Ed Riley
O25 Mick Murray MLA
O26 John Borlini
O27 Hon Adele Farina MLC
O28 Andrew Owens

Appendix D: Comments on objections to the proposed redistribution of Western Australia

10 written comments on objections were received.

No. Submitted by
COB1 Andrew Owens
COB2 David Anson
COB3 The Hon. Melissa Parke MP
COB4 Martin Gordon
COB5 Dr Mark Mulcair
COB6 The Greens (WA)
COB7 Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.
COB8 Donald Ian and Joyce Marion Bulloch
COB9 Shire of Mundaring
COB10 WA Labor

Appendix E: Augmented Electoral Commission’s response to themes contained in objections, comments on objections and in submissions to the inquiry into objections

Table H: Objections, comments on objections and submissions to the inquiry relating to the placement of electoral divisions and divisional boundaries
Objections, comments on objections and submissions to the inquiry recommend… Submission The augmented Electoral Commission has concluded…
No. Submitted by

the location of the new division’s boundaries remain as proposed in the Redistribution Committee’s report


City of Armadale

the boundaries of the new Division of Burt will be as proposed by the Redistribution Committee


Darren McSweeney


Dr Mark Mulcair


The Greens (WA)


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


WA Labor


The Greens (WA)

the locality of North Fremantle should not be included in the proposed Division of Curtin but should remain in the proposed Division of Fremantle


Harry Pickett

the locality of North Fremantle will be located in the Division of Fremantle


Darren McSweeney


David Weber


The Greens (WA)


The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP and The Hon. Melissa Parke MP


Andrew Owens


The Hon. Melissa Parke MP


The Greens (WA)


WA Labor


The Greens (WA)


The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP


WA Labor

the locality of North Fremantle should remain in the proposed Division of Curtin


Martin Gordon

the locality of North Fremantle will be located in the Division of Fremantle


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


Dr Mark Mulcair


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.

the localities of Kingsley and Woodvale should not be included in the proposed Division of Moore but should remain in the proposed Division of Cowan


Martin Gordon

Kingsley and Woodvale will be located in the Division of Moore, as was proposed by the Redistribution Committee. Alternatives proposed by objectors would create equivalent community of interests concerns and/or would result in electoral divisions not meeting the permissible ranges for the maximum and minimum number of electors


John Chester


Returned and Services League of Australia Wanneroo–Joondalup Sub-Branch


Hon Cheryl Edwardes


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


Martin Gordon


Dr Mark Mulcair


Donald Ian and Joyce Marion Bulloch


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


Donald Ian Bulloch

the localities of Kingsley and Woodvale should remain in the proposed Division of Moore


WA Labor

Kingsley and Woodvale will be located in the Division of Moore, as was proposed by the Redistribution Committee.


WA Labor

the Shire of Collie should not be included in the proposed Division of O’Connor but should remain in the proposed Division of Forrest


David Smith

the Shire of Collie will be located in the Division of O’Connor, as was proposed by the Redistribution Committee. Alternatives proposed by objectors would create equivalent community of interests concerns and/or would result in electoral divisions not meeting the permissible ranges for the maximum and minimum number of electors


Darren McSweeney


Bunbury Wellington Economic Alliance


Dr Mark Mulcair


Shire of Collie


WA Labor


Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC


Ed Riley


Mick Murray MLA


John Borlini


Hon Adele Farina MLC


Andrew Owens


Dr Mark Mulcair


Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC


WA Labor

the Shire of Collie should remain in the proposed Division of O’Connor


Dr Mark Mulcair

the Shire of Collie will be located in the Division of O’Connor, as was proposed by the Redistribution Committee.


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.

the boundaries of the proposed Divisions of Curtin, Perth and Stirling should not be as proposed by the Redistribution Committee


Martin Gordon

the Divisions of Curtin, Perth and Stirling are as was proposed by the Redistribution Committee, with the exception of:

  • the placement of the locality of North Fremantle in the Division of Fremantle,
  • the placement of the entire locality of Crawley into the Division of Curtin, and
  • extending the boundary of the Division of Perth into the Swan River east of the locality of Crawley


Dean Ashley


Dr Mark Mulcair


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP and The Hon. Melissa Parke MP


Andrew Owens


Martin Gordon


Dr Mark Mulcair


WA Labor


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc


The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP

the City of Vincent should remain in the proposed Division of Perth


The Greens (WA)

the City of Vincent will be located in the Division of Perth, as proposed by the Redistribution Committee


The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP


WA Labor

the Shire of Wandering should not be transferred from the proposed Division of O’Connor to the proposed Division of Canning


Darren McSweeney

the Shire of Wandering will be located in the Division of O’Connor


Dr Mark Mulcair


WA Labor

portions of the Shire of Kalamunda should not be transferred from the proposed Division of Hasluck to the proposed Division of Canning


Darren McSweeney

the Shire of Kalamunda will be allocated across the Divisions of Canning, Hasluck and Swan, as proposed by the Redistribution Committee

supports the inclusion of the Shire of Mundaring in the proposed Division of Hasluck


Shire of Mundaring

the Redistribution Committee’s proposal with respect to the Shire of Mundaring remains unaltered

O = objection received, COB = comment on objection received and I = inquiry participant (refer to Appendix C, Appendix D or Appendix F for full list)

Table I: Objections, comments on objections and submissions to the inquiry on objections relating to electoral division names
Objections, comments on objections and submissions to the inquiry recommend… Submission The augmented Electoral Commission has concluded that…
No. Submitted by

the new electoral division should not be named ‘Burt’


Richard Wyndham

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt


Stephen David John Marshall


Martin Gordon


City of Armadale


David Weber


The Greens (WA)


Andrew Owens


Andrew Owens


Martin Gordon

the new electoral division should be named ‘Burt’


David Smith

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt


Darren McSweeney


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


Dr Mark Mulcair


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc


The Greens (WA)

the new electoral division should be named after ‘Weary’ Dunlop


Stephen David John Marshall

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt

the new electoral division should be named after Mary Holman


Martin Gordon

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt


Andrew Owens


Martin Gordon

the new electoral division should be named after Herbert Cole ‘Nugget’ Coombs


Darren McSweeney

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt

the new electoral division should be named ‘Beazley’, ‘Vallentine’, ‘Lawrence’ or ‘Yagan’


David Weber

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt

the new electoral division should be named after ‘Tonkin’ or ‘Canning’


Andrew Owens

the new electoral division will be named the Division of Burt

the Division of Canning should be named ‘McLarty’ or ‘Peel’


Andrew Owens

the name of the Division of Canning will be retained

O = objection received, COB = comment on objection received and I = inquiry participant (refer to Appendix C, Appendix D or Appendix F for full list)

Appendix F: Inquiry into objections

Six oral submissions were made at the inquiry held by the augmented Electoral Commission in Perth on Tuesday 27 October 2015.

No. Participant


Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc.

  • Andrew Cox
  • Jeremy Buxton


The Greens (WA)

  • Grahame Bowland


Donald Ian Bulloch


The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP


Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC


WA Labor

  • Patrick Gorman
  • Lenda Oshalem

Appendix G: Constructing proposed electoral boundaries

The AEC maintains the electoral roll on the basis of alignment to Statistical Area 1s (SA1s),39 and is able to provide data on enrolments and projected enrolments at this level. Accordingly, in formulating its proposals, the augmented Electoral Commission used SA1s as its basic building blocks. The SA1s have defined boundaries and are of differing sizes and shapes. In cases where the augmented Electoral Commission considered that a particular SA1 boundary was inappropriate for use as an electoral division boundary, the SA1 was split to provide a more meaningful boundary.

The indicative area of electoral divisions in Western Australia has been calculated by aggregating the area of:

  • all land-based SA1s,
  • any parts of land-based SA1s, and
  • any lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, wetlands or marshes not already included in land-based SA1s, that are contained within the divisional boundary of each electoral division.

Areas are calculated on the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94) spheroid using the AEC’s Electoral Boundary Mapping System (EBMS), developed within the ‘MapInfo Professional’ software package.

The augmented Electoral Commission used EBMS as an aid to modelling various boundary options. This system was also made available for public use at the office of the Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia in Perth.

Appendix H: Announcement of the augmented Electoral Commission’s proposed redistribution

The text of the augmented Electoral Commission’s public announcement of its proposed redistribution, issued on Thursday 5 November 2015, is reproduced below.

Augmented Electoral Commission decides names and boundaries of federal electoral divisions in Western Australia

The augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia today announced the outcome of its deliberations on the names and boundaries of the 16 federal electoral divisions in Western Australia.

The Hon. Dennis Cowdroy OAM QC, the presiding member, said that the augmented Electoral Commission had adopted the majority of the redistribution proposed by the Redistribution Committee for Western Australia, which was detailed in its report of 21 August 2015: Proposed redistribution of Western Australia into electoral divisions, with the following alterations:

  • the locality of North Fremantle will be placed in the proposed Division of Fremantle
    • the Redistribution Committee had proposed placing the locality of North Fremantle in the proposed Division of Curtin
  • the entire locality of Crawley will be placed in the proposed Division of Curtin
    • the Redistribution Committee had proposed placing the portion of Crawley locality that lies north of Mounts Bay Road and within the City of Perth in the proposed Division of Perth
  • the boundary of the proposed Division of Perth will extend into the Swan River east of the locality of Crawley
    • the Redistribution Committee had proposed placing the small portion of the City of Perth that lies south of Mounts Bay Road in the proposed Division of Curtin
  • the Shire of Wandering will be located in the proposed Division of O’Connor
    • the Redistribution Committee had proposed locating the Shire of Wandering in the proposed Division of Canning.

The augmented Electoral Commission has adopted the Redistribution Committee’s proposal to retain the 15 existing division names and to name the new division as the Division of Burt.

An overview of the augmented Electoral Commission’s conclusions on objections to the Redistribution Committee’s proposed redistribution is available.

In the opinion of the augmented Electoral Commission, this proposal is not significantly different from the proposal of the Redistribution Committee, and therefore no further input from members of the public will be sought.

The names and boundaries of the federal electoral divisions for Western Australia will apply from 19 January 2016 when a notice of determination is published in the Commonwealth Government Notices Gazette. Federal general elections for which the writ is issued after this date will be contested on the new boundaries.

Maps will be available on the website on 19 January 2016. Detailed maps and a report outlining the augmented Electoral Commission’s reasons for the formal determination will be tabled in the Federal Parliament and will then be made publicly available.

More information about the Western Australian federal redistribution is available or you can contact the Redistribution Secretariat:

Further information:

A Redistribution Committee is appointed for the state or territory in which a redistribution has commenced.

The Redistribution Committee for Western Australia consisted of:

  • the Electoral Commissioner,
  • the acting Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia,
  • the Surveyor-General of Western Australia, and
  • the Auditor-General for Western Australia.

The Redistribution Committee is responsible for considering inputs from the public and making a proposed redistribution.

The augmented Electoral Commission then considers any objections to a proposed redistribution and makes a final determination of the names and boundaries of the redistributed divisions. The augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia consists of:

  • the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission,
  • the non-judicial member of the Electoral Commission, currently the Australian Statistician,
  • the Electoral Commissioner,
  • the acting Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia,
  • the Surveyor-General of Western Australia, and
  • the Auditor-General for Western Australia.

Editor’s notes:

For information about the review of Western Australia’s state electoral districts visit The Electoral Boundary Review | Electoral Boundaries WA. This is a separate process not administered by the AEC and is not related to Federal Parliament.

Appendix I: Determination of electoral divisions in Western Australia by the augmented Electoral Commission

The text of the augmented Electoral Commission’s determination of electoral divisions in Western Australia, published in the Gazette on Tuesday 19 January 2016, is reproduced below.

Determination of names and boundaries of federal electoral divisions in Western Australia

As determined by the then acting Electoral Commissioner on 13 November 2014, Western Australia is entitled to 16 members of the House of Representatives.

Pursuant to sub-section 73(1) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Electoral Act), the augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia has determined the names of the 16 electoral divisions are:

  • Brand
  • Burt
  • Canning
  • Cowan
  • Curtin
  • Durack
  • Forrest
  • Fremantle
  • Hasluck
  • Moore
  • O’Connor
  • Pearce
  • Perth
  • Stirling
  • Swan
  • Tangney

Pursuant to sub-section 73(1) of the Electoral Act, the augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia has determined that the boundaries of these electoral divisions are as
shown on the maps published on the Australian Electoral Commission website at and lodged in file number 15/920 at the National Office of the Australian Electoral Commission in Canberra.

The augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia has made decisions in accordance with the requirements of sub-sections 73(3), 73(4) and 73(4A) of the Electoral Act.

Subject to the provisions of the Electoral Act, the electoral divisions determined by this notice will apply from 19 January 2016 until the next determination of names and boundaries of electoral divisions in Western Australia is published in the Commonwealth Government Notices Gazette pursuant to sub-section 73(1) or sub-section 76(6) of the Electoral Act.

The Hon. Dennis Cowdroy OAM QC
Augmented Electoral Commission for Western Australia

Appendix J: Guidelines for naming federal electoral divisions

Determining the names of federal electoral divisions is part of the process of conducting a federal redistribution within a state or territory.

The criteria used by redistribution committees to propose the names of electoral divisions, and used by augmented electoral commissions to determine the names of electoral divisions, have previously been the subject of recommendations from the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters. From these recommendations, a set of guidelines was developed as a point of reference only.

It should be noted that redistribution committees and augmented electoral commissions are in no way bound by the guidelines.

Naming after persons

In the main, electoral divisions should be named after deceased Australians who have rendered outstanding service to their country.

When new electoral divisions are created the names of former Prime Ministers should be considered.

Federation Divisional names

Every effort should be made to retain the names of original federation electoral divisions.

Geographical names

Locality or place names should generally be avoided, but in certain areas the use of geographical features may be appropriate (e.g. Perth).

Aboriginal names

Aboriginal names should be used where appropriate and as far as possible existing Aboriginal divisional names should be retained.

Other criteria

The names of Commonwealth electoral divisions should not duplicate existing state districts.

Qualifying names may be used where appropriate (e.g. Melbourne Ports, Port Adelaide).

Names of electoral divisions should not be changed or transferred to new areas without very strong reasons.

When two or more electoral divisions are partially combined, as far as possible the name of the new electoral division should be that of the old electoral division which had the greatest number of electors within the new boundaries. However, where the socio-demographic nature of the electoral division in question has changed significantly, this should override the numerical formula.

Appendix K: General description of how electoral divisions are constituted

The following tables show how each electoral division has been constructed. The unit to display this construction is Statistical Area 2s (SA2s).40 Each SA2 comprises a number of SA1s. The SA1s and SA2s which applied at the 2011 Census of Population and Housing have been used.

Electoral divisions are displayed in alphabetical order.

Division of Brand
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Brand
Anketell – Wandi 1 158 1 203
Baldivis 13 756 15 211
Bertram – Wellard (West) 5 464 6 051
Calista 4 466 4 774
Casuarina – Wellard (East) 1 021 1 078
Cooloongup 5 810 6 076
Hope Valley – Postans 62 62
Kwinana Industrial 15 15
Parmelia – Orelia 6 646 7 094
Port Kennedy 8 139 8 796
Rockingham 10 558 11 025
Rockingham Lakes 3 2
Safety Bay – Shoalwater 8 272 8 649
Singleton – Golden Bay – Secret Harbour 9 847 10 639
Waikiki 7 882 8 421
Warnbro 6 994 7 535
Total electors retained from the existing Division Brand 90 093 96 631
Total for the Division of Brand 90 093 96 631
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Brand to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Canning
Greenfields 6 951 7 348
Mandurah 390 401
Mandurah – North 8 876 9 725
Total transferred to the Division of Canning 16 217 17 474
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Brand to another electoral division 16 217 17 474
Division of Burt
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Burt
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning
Armadale – Wungong – Brookdale (part) 10 595 11 181
Camillo – Champion Lakes 3 499 3 738
Forrestdale – Harrisdale – Piara Waters 6 918 7 394
Kelmscott 6 841 7 330
Mount Nasura – Mount Richon – Bedfordale (part) 2 122 2 233
Roleystone (part) 0 0
Seville Grove 5 637 6 239
Total transferred from the existing Division of Canning 35 612 38 115
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck
Gosnells 12 152 12 914
Huntingdale – Southern River 9 915 10 805
Thornlie 14 788 15 538
Total transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck 36 855 39 257
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) 3 166 3 411
Total transferred from the existing Division of Swan 3 166 3 411
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney
Canning Vale – East 11 628 12 675
Canning Vale – West 6 502 7 072
Canning Vale Commercial 0 0
Total transferred from the existing Division of Tangney 18 130 19 747
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Burt 93 763 100 530
Total for the Division of Burt 93 763 100 530
Division of Canning
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Canning
Armadale – Wungong – Brookdale (part) 0 0
Ashendon – Lesley 4 4
Byford 6 784 7 206
Dawesville – Bouvard 4 261 4 566
Falcon – Wannanup 5 926 6 269
Halls Head – Erskine 12 704 13 399
Mandurah 5 825 6 074
Mandurah – East 4 140 4 352
Mandurah – North 360 397
Mandurah – South 6 997 7 292
Mount Nasura – Mount Richon – Bedfordale (part) 3 366 3 608
Mundijong 4 102 4 409
Murray (part) 1 600 1 683
Pinjarra 6 008 6 356
Roleystone (part) 5 080 5 390
Serpentine – Jarrahdale (part) 2 715 2 877
Waroona 2 665 2 785
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Canning 72 537 76 667
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Canning
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Brand
Greenfields 6 951 7 348
Mandurah 390 401
Mandurah – North 8 876 9 725
Total transferred from the existing Division of Brand 16 217 17 474
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck
Maddington – Orange Grove – Martin (part) 1 365 1 448
Total transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck 1 365 1 448
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) 764 794
Total transferred from the existing Division of Pearce 764 794
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Canning 18 346 19 716
Total for the Division of Canning 90 883 96 383
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Burt
Armadale – Wungong – Brookdale (part) 10 595 11 181
Camillo – Champion Lakes 3 499 3 738
Forrestdale – Harrisdale – Piara Waters 6 918 7 394
Kelmscott 6 841 7 330
Mount Nasura – Mount Richon – Bedfordale (part) 2 122 2 233
Roleystone (part) 0 0
Seville Grove 5 637 6 239
Total transferred to the Division of Burt 35 612 38 115
Electors transferred to the Division of O’Connor
Murray (part) 0 0
Serpentine–Jarrahdale (part) 0 0
Total transferred to the Division of O’Connor 0 0
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning to another electoral division 35 612 38 115
Division of Cowan
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Cowan
Alexander Heights – Koondoola 7 783 8 280
Ballajura 12 825 13 456
Girrawheen 5 378 5 777
Greenwood – Warwick (part) 9 721 10 212
Joondalup – Edgewater (part) 0 0
Kingsley (part) 854 866
Madeley – Darch – Landsdale 13 974 15 226
Malaga 5 5
Marangaroo 7 226 7 570
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) 6 920 7 660
Wanneroo (part) 16 216 17 592
Woodvale (part) 0 0
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Cowan 80 902 86 644
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Cowan
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce
Beechboro (part) 3 082 3 387
Total transferred from the existing Division of Pearce 3 082 3 387
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Perth
Beechboro (part) 6 111 6 552
Lockridge – Kiara (part) 3 518 3 805
Total transferred from the existing Division of Perth 9 629 10 357
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Cowan 12 711 13 744
Total for the Division of Cowan 93 613 100 388
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Cowan to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Moore
Craigie – Beldon 0 0
Kingsley (part) 8 906 9 049
Woodvale (part) 6 903 7 279
Total transferred to the Division of Moore 15 809 16 328
Electors transferred to the Division of Pearce
Carramar 1 404 1 673
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) 630 659
Total transferred to the Division of Pearce 2 034 2 332
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Cowan to another electoral division 17 843 18 660
Division of Curtin
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Curtin
City Beach 4 782 4 949
Claremont (WA) 5 613 5 873
Cottesloe 5 374 5 681
Floreat 5 244 5 515
Herdsman 0 0
Innaloo – Doubleview 2 441 2 544
Mosman Park – Peppermint Grove 7 009 7 325
Nedlands – Dalkeith – Crawley 11 803 12 440
Osborne Park Industrial 2 2
Scarborough (part) 5 785 6 159
Subiaco – Shenton Park 10 385 10 925
Swanbourne – Mount Claremont 5 927 6 230
Wembley – West Leederville – Glendalough 10 635 11 264
Wembley Downs – Churchlands – Woodlands 9 575 10 080
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Curtin 84 575 88 987
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Curtin
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Stirling
Innaloo – Doubleview 8 442 8 984
Osborne Park Industrial 4 4
Scarborough (part) 1 012 1 091
Total transferred from the existing Division of Stirling 9 458 10 079
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Curtin 9 458 10 079
Total for the Division of Curtin 94 033 99 066
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Curtin to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Perth
Kings Park (WA) 21 21
Mount Hawthorn – Leederville 7 017 7 500
North Perth 2 337 2 442
Perth City 2 622 2 868
Stirling – Osborne Park (part) 0 0
Total transferred to the Division of Perth 11 997 12 831
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Curtin to another electoral division 11 997 12 831
Division of Durack
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Durack
Ashburton (WA) 3 032 3 266
Broome 6 706 7 051
Carnarvon 3 017 3 203
Cunderdin 1 872 1 897
Derby – West Kimberley 3 759 3 959
Dowerin 2 857 2 890
East Pilbara 1 240 1 301
Exmouth 2 351 2 437
Geraldton 8 020 8 269
Geraldton – East 4 798 5 057
Geraldton – North 4 616 4 862
Geraldton – South 6 129 6 402
Gingin – Dandaragan (part) 2 268 2 299
Halls Creek 1 754 1 878
Irwin 2 572 2 684
Karratha 7 998 8 450
Kununurra 3 767 4 007
Meekatharra 1 399 1 485
Merredin 2 050 2 137
Moora 2 951 3 104
Morawa 2 619 2 762
Mukinbudin 1 150 1 188
Newman 2 105 2 274
Northampton – Mullewa – Greenough 3 983 4 167
Port Hedland 2 162 2 299
Roebourne 2 278 2 501
Roebuck 1 299 1 368
South Hedland 4 053 4 349
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Durack 92 805 97 546
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Durack
Electors transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor
Cunderdin 739 769
Merredin 1 206 1 248
Mukinbudin 894 980
Total transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor 2 839 2 997
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce
York – Beverley (part) 0 0
Total transferred from the existing Division of Pearce 0 0
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Durack 2 839 2 997
Total for the Division of Durack 95 644 100 543
Division of Forrest
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Forrest
Augusta 3 602 3 730
Australind – Leschenault 10 803 11 306
Bunbury 12 106 12 467
Busselton 16 998 17 558
Busselton Region 6 581 6 873
Capel 3 332 3 478
College Grove – Carey Park 4 286 4 449
Collie (part) 0 0
Dardanup 2 154 2 259
Davenport 23 23
Donnybrook – Balingup 3 994 4 109
Eaton – Pelican Point 7 341 7 659
Gelorup – Dalyellup – Stratham 6 581 6 934
Harvey 5 844 6 074
Koombana 4 867 5 070
Margaret River 5 074 5 309
Pemberton (part) 973 1 013
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Forrest 94 559 98 311
Total for the Division of Forrest 94 559 98 311
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Forrest to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of O’Connor
Collie (part) 6 141 6 372
Total transferred to the Division of O’Connor 6 141 6 372
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Forrest to another electoral division 6 141 6 372
Division of Fremantle
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Fremantle
Banjup 9 295 10 233
Beeliar 4 145 4 508
Bibra Industrial 18 18
Bibra Lake 0 0
Bicton – Palmyra (part) 4 959 5 230
Coogee 6 056 6 412
Coolbellup 5 446 5 761
East Fremantle 5 254 5 528
Fremantle 10 167 10 700
Fremantle – South 10 180 10 699
Hamilton Hill 7 007 7 342
Henderson 4 4
Jandakot (part) 1 832 1 957
Jandakot Airport 1 1
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) 2 211 2 343
North Coogee 872 915
O’Connor (WA) 3 3
South Lake – Cockburn Central 7 711 8 253
Spearwood 6 463 6 770
Success – Hammond Park 7 330 8 063
Wattleup 449 449
Yangebup 4 838 5 219
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Fremantle 94 241 100 408
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Fremantle
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney
Jandakot Airport 0 0
Total transferred from the existing Division of Tangney 0 0
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Fremantle 0 0
Total for the Division of Fremantle 94 241 100 408
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Fremantle to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Tangney
Bicton – Palmyra (part) 5 001 5 316
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) 1 971 2 069
Willagee 3 186 3 457
Total transferred to the Division of Tangney 10 158 10 842
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Fremantle to another electoral division 10 158 10 842
Division of Hasluck
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Hasluck
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) 3 329 3 594
Beechboro (part) 0 0
Cannington – Queens Park (part) 0 0
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) 11 353 12 075
Glen Forrest – Darlington 0 0
Hazelmere – South Guildford (part) 2 717 2 907
Helena Valley – Koongamia 3 017 3 231
Kalamunda – Maida Vale – Gooseberry Hill 11 235 11 793
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) 6 298 6 583
Lockridge – Kiara (part) 2 305 2 454
Maddington – Orange Grove – Martin (part) 6 264 6 671
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) 2 156 2 293
Midland – Guildford 6 313 6 642
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) 0 0
Swan View – Greenmount – Midvale 950 1 000
Welshpool (part) 0 0
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Hasluck 55 937 59 243
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Hasluck
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce
Chidlow 1 911 2 094
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) 0 0
Gidgegannup (part) 1 879 2 002
Glen Forrest – Darlington 5 298 5 611
Helena Valley – Koongamia 485 522
Kalamunda – Maida Vale – Gooseberry Hill 0 0
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) 1 115 1 181
Malmalling – Reservoir 14 14
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) 0 0
Mundaring 9 227 9 768
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) 4 250 4 610
Swan View – Greenmount – Midvale 7 630 7 999
Total transferred from the existing Division of Pearce 31 809 33 801
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) 3 993 4 293
Total transferred from the existing Division of Swan 3 993 4 293
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Hasluck 35 802 38 094
Total for the Division of Hasluck 91 739 97 337
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Burt
Gosnells 12 152 12 914
Huntingdale – Southern River 9 915 10 805
Thornlie 14 788 15 538
Total transferred to the Division of Burt 36 855 39 257
Electors transferred to the Division of Canning
Maddington – Orange Grove – Martin (part) 1 365 1 448
Total transferred to the Division of Canning 1 365 1 448
Electors transferred to the Division of Pearce
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) 4 4
Total transferred to the Division of Pearce 4 4
Electors transferred to the Division of Swan
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) 4 4
Hazelmere – South Guildford (part) 2 2
High Wycombe 7 900 8 460
Perth Airport 0 0
Total transferred to the Division of Swan 7 906 8 466
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck to another electoral division 46 130 49 175
Division of Moore
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Moore
Craigie – Beldon 6 720 7 094
Currambine – Kinross 8 820 9 274
Duncraig 11 100 11 490
Greenwood – Warwick (part) 0 0
Heathridge – Connolly 7 204 7 469
Hillarys 7 876 8 330
Iluka – Burns Beach 5 021 5 427
Joondalup – Edgewater (part) 8 743 9 276
Kingsley (part) 0 0
Mullaloo – Kallaroo 7 982 8 373
Ocean Reef 5 705 6 003
Padbury 5 831 6 143
Sorrento – Marmion 7 347 7 751
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Moore 82 349 86 630
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Moore
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Cowan
Craigie – Beldon 0 0
Kingsley (part) 8 906 9 049
Woodvale (part) 6 903 7 279
Total transferred from the existing Division of Cowan 15 809 16 328
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Moore 15 809 16 328
Total for the Division of Moore 98 158 102 958
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Moore to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Pearce
Carramar 6 147 6 637
Clarkson 6 520 7 327
Mindarie – Quinns Rocks – Jindalee 4 730 5 042
Neerabup National Park 2 2
Total transferred to the Division of Pearce 17 399 19 008
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Moore to another electoral division 17 399 19 008
Division of O’Connor
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of O’Connor
Albany 10 234 10 398
Albany Region 2 274 2 351
Bayonet Head – Lower King 3 270 3 430
Boulder 3 948 4 179
Bridgetown – Boyup Brook 4 357 4 532
Brookton 2 623 2 683
Denmark 4 077 4 192
Esperance 7 626 7 951
Esperance Region 2 491 2 596
Gnowangerup 1 849 1 964
Kalgoorlie 7 195 7 553
Kalgoorlie – North 4 895 5 184
Kalgoorlie Airport 0 0
Kambalda – Coolgardie – Norseman 2 303 2 486
Katanning 2 769 2 871
Kojonup 2 803 2 861
Kulin 3 019 3 193
Leinster – Leonora 2 082 2 229
Little Grove – Elleker 2 255 2 351
Manjimup 3 722 3 850
McKail – Willyung 6 667 7 041
Narrogin 2 963 3 066
Pemberton (part) 2 609 2 708
Plantagenet 3 339 3 449
Stirling Range National Park 0 0
Trafalgar (WA) 0 0
Wagin 3 495 3 633
Total electors retained from the existing Division of O’Connor 92 865 96 751
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of O’Connor
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Canning
Murray (part) 0 0
Serpentine – Jarrahdale (part) 0 0
Total transferred from the existing Division of Canning 0 0
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Forrest
Collie (part) 6 141 6 372
Total transferred from the existing Division of Forrest 6 141 6 372
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of O’Connor 6 141 6 372
Total for the Division of O’Connor 99 006 103 123
Electors transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Durack
Cunderdin 739 769
Merredin 1 206 1 248
Mukinbudin 894 980
Total transferred to the Division of Durack 2 839 2 997
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of O’Connor to another electoral division 2 839 2 997
Division of Pearce
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Pearce
Avon Valley National Park 3 3
Beechboro (part) 1 251 1 326
Bullsbrook 2 973 3 197
Butler – Merriwa – Ridgewood 11 474 12 698
Chittering 3 377 3 567
Ellenbrook 16 335 18 066
Gidgegannup (part) 7 11
Gingin – Dandaragan (part) 3 520 3 733
Lockridge – Kiara (part) 12 13
Melaleuca – Lexia 2 2
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) 1 467 1 523
Mindarie – Quinns Rocks – Jindalee 5 955 6 368
Neerabup National Park 0 0
Northam 7 037 7 283
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) 2 4
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) 16 17
The Vines 4 784 5 110
Toodyay 3 170 3 320
Walyunga National Park 0 0
Wanneroo (part) 22 23
Yanchep 7 083 7 505
York – Beverley (part) 3 751 3 832
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Pearce 72 241 77 601
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Pearce
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Cowan
Carramar 1 404 1 673
Tapping – Ashby – Sinagra (part) 630 659
Total transferred from the existing Division of Cowan 2 034 2 332
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) 4 4
Total transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck 4 4
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Moore
Carramar 6 147 6 637
Clarkson 6 520 7 327
Mindarie – Quinns Rocks – Jindalee 4 730 5 042
Neerabup National Park 2 2
Total transferred from the existing Division of Moore 17 399 19 008
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Pearce 19 437 21 344
Total for the Division of Pearce 91 678 98 945
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Canning
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) 764 794
Total transferred to the Division of Canning 764 794
Electors transferred to the Division of Cowan
Beechboro (part) 3 082 3 387
Total transferred to the Division of Cowan 3 082 3 387
Electors transferred to the existing Division of Durack
York – Beverley (part) 0 0
Total transferred to the existing Division of Durack 0 0
Electors transferred to the Division of Hasluck
Chidlow 1 911 2 094
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) 0 0
Gidgegannup (part) 1 879 2 002
Glen Forrest – Darlington 5 298 5 611
Helena Valley – Koongamia 485 522
Kalamunda – Maida Vale – Gooseberry Hill 0 0
Lesmurdie – Bickley – Carmel (part) 1 115 1 181
Malmalling – Reservoir 14 14
Middle Swan – Herne Hill (part) 0 0
Mundaring 9 227 9 768
Stratton – Jane Brook (part) 4 250 4 610
Swan View – Greenmount – Midvale 7 630 7 999
Total transferred to the Division of Hasluck 31 809 33 801
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Pearce to another electoral division 35 655 37 982
Division of Perth
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Perth
Bassendean – Eden Hill – Ashfield 10 346 11 017
Bayswater – Embleton – Bedford 15 088 16 011
Maylands 7 829 8 306
Morley (part) 13 677 14 410
Mount Lawley – Inglewood 11 238 11 957
Noranda 5 986 6 275
North Perth 3 765 3 971
Perth City 11 459 12 893
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) 361 365
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Perth 79 749 85 205
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Perth
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Curtin
Kings Park (WA) 21 21
Mount Hawthorn – Leederville 7 017 7 500
North Perth 2 337 2 442
Perth City 2 622 2 868
Stirling – Osborne Park (part) 0 0
Total transferred from existing the Division of Curtin 11 997 12 831
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Stirling
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) 2 772 2 859
Total transferred from the existing Division of Stirling 2 772 2 859
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Perth 14 769 15 690
Total for the Division of Perth 94 518 100 895
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Perth to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Cowan
Beechboro (part) 6 111 6 552
Lockridge – Kiara (part) 3 518 3 805
Total transferred to the Division of Cowan 9 629 10 357
Electors transferred to the Division of Stirling
Dianella 8 045 8 555
Morley (part) 532 561
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) 158 162
Total transferred to the Division of Stirling 8 735 9 278
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Perth to another electoral division 18 364 19 635
Division of Stirling
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Stirling
Balcatta – Hamersley 10 682 11 275
Balga – Mirrabooka 10 822 11 843
Dianella 8 967 9 469
Karrinyup – Gwelup – Carine 13 824 14 585
Nollamara – Westminster 9 670 10 429
Scarborough (part) 3 112 3 308
Stirling – Osborne Park (part) 9 224 9 803
Trigg – North Beach – Watermans Bay 5 560 5 888
Tuart Hill – Joondanna 7 641 8 166
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) 7 347 7 757
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Stirling 86 849 92 523
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Stirling
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Perth
Dianella 8 045 8 555
Morley (part) 532 561
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) 158 162
Total transferred from the existing Division of Perth 8 735 9 278
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Stirling 8 735 9 278
Total for the Division of Stirling 95 584 101 801
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Stirling to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Curtin
Innaloo – Doubleview 8 442 8 984
Osborne Park Industrial 4 4
Scarborough (part) 1 012 1 091
Total transferred to the Division of Curtin 9 458 10 079
Electors transferred to the Division of Perth
Yokine – Coolbinia – Menora (part) 2 772 2 859
Total transferred to the Division of Perth 2 772 2 859
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Stirling to another electoral division 12 230 12 938
Division of Swan
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Swan
Belmont – Ascot – Redcliffe 8 428 8 940
Bentley – Wilson – St James (part) 10 434 10 928
Cannington – Queens Park (part) 8 156 8 773
Como 9 315 9 814
East Victoria Park – Carlisle 9 658 10 325
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) 0 0
Kewdale Commercial 3 3
Manning – Waterford 7 106 7 455
Perth Airport 0 0
Rivervale – Kewdale – Cloverdale 13 543 14 355
South Perth – Kensington 10 865 11 526
Victoria Park – Lathlain – Burswood 8 381 9 086
Welshpool (part) 16 16
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Swan 85 905 91 221
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Swan
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck
Forrestfield – Wattle Grove (part) 4 4
Hazelmere – South Guildford (part) 2 2
High Wycombe 7 900 8 460
Perth Airport 0 0
Total transferred from the existing Division of Hasluck 7 906 8 466
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Swan 7 906 8 466
Total for the Division of Swan 93 811 99 687
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Burt
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) 3 166 3 411
Total transferred to the Division of Burt 3 166 3 411
Electors transferred to the Division of Hasluck
Beckenham – Kenwick – Langford (part) 3 993 4 293
Total transferred to the Division of Hasluck 3 993 4 293
Electors transferred to the Division of Tangney
Bentley – Wilson – St James (part) 0 0
Parkwood – Ferndale – Lynwood 4 983 5 267
Riverton – Shelley – Rossmoyne 251 261
Total transferred to Division of Tangney 5 234 5 528
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan to another electoral division 12 393 13 232
Division of Tangney
Division make up Enrolment as at Monday 1 December 2014 Projected enrolment as at Wednesday 8 February 2017
Electors retained from the existing Division of Tangney
Applecross – Ardross 7 821 8 217
Bateman 2 584 2 734
Booragoon 9 851 10 416
Bull Creek 5 452 5 691
Jandakot (part) 0 0
Leeming 8 119 8 386
Melville 11 294 11 854
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) 4 232 4 459
Parkwood – Ferndale – Lynwood 4 166 4 377
Riverton – Shelley – Rossmoyne 8 417 8 829
Willetton 11 462 12 109
Winthrop 4 300 4 525
Total electors retained from the existing Division of Tangney 77 698 81 597
Electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Tangney
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Fremantle
Bicton – Palmyra (part) 5 001 5 316
Murdoch – Kardinya (part) 1 971 2 069
Willagee 3 186 3 457
Total transferred from the existing Division of Fremantle 10 158 10 842
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Swan
Bentley – Wilson – St James (part) 0 0
Parkwood – Ferndale – Lynwood 4 983 5 267
Riverton – Shelley – Rossmoyne 251 261
Total transferred from the existing Division of Swan 5 234 5 528
Total electors transferred from another electoral division into the Division of Tangney 15 392 16 370
Total for the Division of Tangney 93 090 97 967
Electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney to another electoral division
Electors transferred to the Division of Burt
Canning Vale – East 11 628 12 675
Canning Vale – West 6 502 7 072
Canning Vale Commercial 0 0
Total transferred to the Division of Burt 18 130 19 747
Electors transferred to the Division of Fremantle
Jandakot Airport 0 0
Total transferred to the Division of Fremantle 0 0
Total electors transferred from the existing Division of Tangney to another electoral division 18 130 19 747

  1. Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, Report on the Effectiveness and Appropriateness of the Redistribution Provisions of Parts III and IV of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (December 1995), paragraph 4.3
  2. ibid., paragraph 4.11
  3. SA1s are the smallest unit at which ABS makes available disaggregated Census data. There are 54 805 SA1s with populations in the range of 200 – 800. SA1s, which are part of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard, are defined by the ABS and remain stable between censuses. The SA1s currently in use were defined for the 2011 Census.
  4. SA2s are an area defined in the Australian Statistical Geography Standard, and consist of one or more whole SA1s. Wherever possible, SA2s are based on officially gazetted state/territory suburbs and localities. In urban areas SA2s largely conform to whole suburbs and combinations of whole suburbs, while in rural areas they define functional zones of social and economic links. Geography is also taken into account in SA2 design.