Profile of the electoral division of Swan (WA)

Updated: 7 August 2020
Western Australia
Date this name and boundary was gazetted:
19 January 2016
First election this name was used at:
1901 federal election
First election this boundary was used at:
2016 federal election
Map of Division:
Name derivation:
Named after the Swan River. The river was named in 1697 by the Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh after the famous black swans of the area.
134 sq km
Location description:
Swan is bordered by the Swan River in the north and west, the Canning River and the City of Canning in the south, and the Roe Highway, Great Eastern Highway and Perth Airport in the east. Suburbs include Ascot, Belmont, Burswood, Bentley, Cannington, Carlisle, Cloverdale, Como, East Cannington, East Victoria Park, Forrestfield (part), High Wycombe, Karawara, Kensington, Kewdale, Lathlain, Manning, Redcliffe, Rivervale, Perth Airport, Queens Park, Salter Point, South Guildford (part), South Perth, St James, Victoria Park, Waterford, Welshpool and Wilson.
Demographic rating:
Inner Metropolitan – situated in capital cities and consisting of well-established built-up suburbs.
Current member details:
Please refer to the Parliament of Australia website
Previous members:
Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching ‘Electoral divisions’ or ‘Members of the House of Representatives since 1901’ in the historical information section of the Parliamentary Handbook
AEC contact:
Swan Divisional Office