Profile of the electoral division of Brisbane (Qld)

Updated: 19 November 2019
Date this name and boundary was gazetted:
27 March 2018
First election this name was used at:
1901 federal election
First election this boundary was used at:
2019 federal election
Maps and data
A4 map of the electoral division of Brisbane (2018) [PDF 836KB]
Map of the Division of Brisbane (2017) [PDF 3.41MB]
Download Queensland GIS data
Name Derivation:
Named in recognition of the City of Brisbane.
57 sq km
Location description

The Division of Brisbane consists of part of the Brisbane City Council.

Demographic Rating:
Inner Metropolitan – situated in capital cities and consisting of well-established built-up suburbs
Current member details:
Please refer to the Parliament of Australia website
Previous members:
Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching ‘Electoral divisions’ or ‘Members of the House of Representatives since 1901’ in the historical information section of the Parliamentary Handbook
AEC Divisional Office:
Divisional Office contact details