Step 4. Proposed report and public objections - WA federal redistribution

Updated: 22 March 2022

The Redistribution Committee's proposed distribution of federal electoral boundaries in Western Australia was released on 21 August 2015. Read the Redistribution Committee's media statement about the proposal.

Report of the Western Australian Redistribution Committee

Objections to the proposal

Members of the public were invited to submit written objections relating to the redistribution between 21 August and 18 September 2015.

All objections received are also available for perusal at the office of the Australian Electoral Commission in Perth.

The 28 objections received by the Electoral Commission are provided in full below.

No. Submitted by
O1 Richard Wyndham [PDF 113 KB]
O2 David Anson [PDF 113 KB]
O3 Stephen David John Marshall [PDF 113 KB]
O4 Bret Busby [PDF 155 KB]
O5 Martin Gordon [PDF 505 KB]
O6 Harry Pickett [PDF 288 KB]
O7 City of Armadale [PDF 221 KB]
O8 David Smith [PDF 121 KB]
O9 Dean Ashley [PDF 189 KB]
O10 John Chester [PDF 151 KB]
O11 Returned and Services League of Australia Wanneroo–Joondalup Sub-Branch [PDF 331 KB]
O12 Darren McSweeney [PDF 493 KB]
O13 David Weber [PDF 124 KB]
O14 Hon Cheryl Edwardes [PDF 260 KB]
O15 PA and JW Sambell [PDF 180 KB]
O16 Bunbury Wellington Economic Alliance [PDF 288 KB]
O17 Dr Mark Mulcair [PDF 337 KB]
O18 Shire of Collie [PDF 961 KB]
O19 The Greens (WA) [PDF 266 KB]
O20 Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Inc. [PDF 360 KB]
O21 WA Labor [PDF 263 KB]
* Attachment to suggestion
O22 The Hon. Alannah MacTiernan MP and The Hon. Melissa Parke MP [PDF 139 KB]
O23 Hon Dr Sally Talbot MLC [PDF 185 KB]
O24 Ed Riley [PDF 1.1 MB]
O25 Mick Murray MLA [PDF 3.4 MB]
O26 John Borlini [PDF 1.4 MB]
O27 Hon Adele Farina MLC [PDF 179 KB]
O28 Andrew Owens [PDF 750 KB]

The views expressed in the material reproduced above are those of the individuals or organisations who lodged the objection, not the Redistribution Committee or the AEC.