Named in honour of George Bass, 1771–1803. Bass was a surgeon, scientist and explorer who was one of those responsible for the early geographical investigation of the Australian coast. Bass’ explorations included the islands in Bass Strait, the Tamar estuary, the Derwent estuary and Mount Wellington.
7,975.96 sq km
Location description
The Division of Bass is located on Launceston and consists of the:
City of Launceston
Municipality of Dorset
Municipality of Flinders
Municipality of George Town
Municipality of West Tamar
The Division of Bass includes Flinders Island.
Demographic Rating:
Provincial – outside capital cities, but with a majority of enrolment in major provincial cities.
Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching ‘Electoral divisions’ or ‘Members of the House of Representatives since 1901’ in the historical information section of the Parliamentary Handbook