
Updated: 17 January 2011

The determination of the quota of electors for the redistribution of South Australia was based on enrolment numbers as at 12 January 2011, which is the date the redistribution commenced.

The quota is determined by dividing the number of electors in a State by the number of members of the House of Representatives to which that State is entitled.

South Australia's enrolment on 12 January 2011 was 1 107 001. The State is entitled to 11 members in the House of Representatives (11 federal electoral divisions). Therefore the quota for the redistribution is 100 636.

The following table shows the number of electors in each division in South Australia as at the time the quota was calculated.
Division name Number of electors
Adelaide 98 397
Barker 105 224
Boothby 97 830
Grey 100 095
Hindmarsh 100 075
Kingston 102 750
Makin 96 204
Mayo 102 168
Port Adelaide 104 614
Sturt 98 897
Wakefield 100 747