Joseph Aloysius Lyons CH, 1879–1939, Prime Minister of Australia (1932–39) and a Member of the House of Representatives (1929–39), and
Dame Enid Muriel Lyons, DGBE(C) AD, 1897–1981, first woman member of the House of Representatives (1943-51) and first woman to hold Cabinet rank as Vice-President of the Executive Council (1949–51)
35,721.83 sq km
Location description
The Division of Lyons consists of the:
Municipality of Break O’Day
Municipality of Brighton
Municipality of Central Highlands
Municipality of Derwent Valley
Municipality of Glamorgan-Spring Bay
Municipality of Kentish
Municipality of Meander Valley
Municipality of Northern Midlands
Municipality of Sorell
Municipality of Southern Midlands
Municipality of Tasman
part of the City of Clarence
Demographic Rating:
Rural – outside capital cities and without majority of enrolment in major provincial cities.
Former members for an electoral division of this name can be found by searching ‘Electoral divisions’ or ‘Members of the House of Representatives since 1901’ in the historical information section of the Parliamentary Handbook