Victorian federal redistribution

Updated: 25 January 2024

This page provides links to a range of essential supporting information regarding the Victorian federal redistribution. It is also the entry point for accessing information relating specifically to each step in the process.

The information provided here is for the redistribution of federal electoral divisions in Victoria. Information about Victoria’s electoral structure reviews of Victoria’s local government (metropolitan, regional, city, and rural shire councils) is available.

The AEC has been informed by the ABS that there was an error in the initial enrolment projections supplied for use in the redistribution of Victoria.

The ABS has provided the AEC with revised enrolment projections data. This revised enrolment projection data is available on this website.

These revisions do not impact Victoria’s entitlement to 38 electoral divisions at the next general election or the projection time for this redistribution.

Receipt of the new data will not affect the ability of the Redistribution Committee to develop its proposed electoral division boundaries and release its proposed redistributions in accordance with the current indicative timeframe (the second quarter of this year).